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Chapman Freeborn Airchartering

Charter Broker - U.S.A., TX 77060

Telephone: +1 281 640 2206 Fax:
Email: Web:
Facebook: chapmanfreeborn Twitter: chapmanfreeborn


Business: Ambulance: No Group: Commercial: Cargo:

Business - ad-hoc private and business passenger trips; Ambulance - ad-hoc flights for medical repatriation; Group - ad-hoc trips for larger groups; Commercial - regular charter series flights for commercial operators; and Cargo - all ad-hoc cargo and AOG flights.


ARGUS: Not registered Wyvern: Not a member
The ACA: Not a member ACANA: Not a member

ARGUS Registered brokers commit to best practices and The ACA's code of conduct, while ARGUS Certified brokers are also subject to onsite audit.
Wyvern member brokers commit to provide Wingman PASS trip verification for every trip.
The ACA - The Air Charter Association is a membership organisation.
ACANA, the Air Charter Association of North America, is a membership organisation.


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Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Poland, PL-42-625 Katowice) Broker
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Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Singapore, 529653 Singapore) Broker
Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Australia, VIC 3000) Broker
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Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Canada, ON L3R 0M3) Broker
Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Vietnam, PO 71207 Ho Chi Minh City) Broker
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Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Beijing) (China, 100079 Beijing) Broker
Chapman Freeborn Airchartering (Shanghai) (China, 200060 Shanghai) Broker
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Chapman Freeborn Airmarketing (Germany, D-60549 Frankfurt am Main) Broker
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Chapman Freeborn Airmarketing (Germany, D-51147 Cologne) Broker
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Company press releases

Chapman Freeborn enhances jet membership programme by partnering with luxury car rental service, Go Rentals  July 29, 2024
Chapman Freeborn takes partnership with aviation sustainability provider 4Air to new heights with complimentary participation for jet membership clients  February 20, 2024
Chapman Freeborn partners with aviation sustainability solution provider 4Air to provide carbon offset and reduction solutions to US clients  November 1, 2023
Chapman Freeborn Americas announces grand opening of new regional office in Houston, Texas  February 23, 2023