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The Air Charter Association

Industry Supplier - U.K.

Telephone: +44 20 7118 7557 Fax:
Email: Web:
Facebook: theaircharterassociation Twitter: theaircharter


Business: No Ambulance: No Group: No Commercial: No Cargo: No

Business - ad-hoc private and business passenger trips; Ambulance - ad-hoc flights for medical repatriation; Group - ad-hoc trips for larger groups; Commercial - regular charter series flights for commercial operators; and Cargo - all ad-hoc cargo and AOG flights.


ARGUS: Not registered Wyvern: Not a member
The ACA: Member ACANA: Not a member

ARGUS Registered brokers commit to best practices and The ACA's code of conduct, while ARGUS Certified brokers are also subject to onsite audit.
Wyvern member brokers commit to provide Wingman PASS trip verification for every trip.
The ACA - The Air Charter Association is a membership organisation.
ACANA, the Air Charter Association of North America, is a membership organisation.


News from Charter Broker magazine

Walk the tarmac, smell the jet fuel, make connections  August 1, 2018
BACA steers international industry cooperation  August 1, 2018
BACA speaks out on London airport overnight restrictions  May 22, 2018
Widening BACA's global presence  May 22, 2018
BACA appoints deputy chairman  March 28, 2018
BACA reacts to PM's statement on EASA membership  March 28, 2018
BACA fixes spotlight on member events  March 28, 2018
Artist Charter named ARGUS registered broker  February 7, 2018


Company press releases

ACE'24 sees another record turnout for air charter community  September 12, 2024
Shaun Quigley appointed to The Air Charter Association's international board  July 18, 2024
Ryan Waguespack appointed to The Air Charter Association's international board  May 30, 2024
The ACA launches online hub to enhance member communications  May 29, 2024
The ACA launches online air charter broker training  May 28, 2024
The Air Charter Association hosts Air Charter Spring Lunch 2024  March 27, 2024
The ACA appoints new deputy chair for NextGen group  March 20, 2024
The ACA reaches 400 membership milestone  March 4, 2024