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Chapman Freeborn Airchartering
Charter Broker - Singapore, 529653 Singapore
Telephone: +65 6542 1316 |
Fax: +65 6542 1317 |
Business: |
Ambulance: |
Group: |
Commercial: |
Cargo: |
Business - ad-hoc private and business passenger trips; Ambulance - ad-hoc flights for medical repatriation; Group - ad-hoc trips for larger groups; Commercial - regular charter series flights for commercial operators; and Cargo - all ad-hoc cargo and AOG flights.
ARGUS: Not registered |
Wyvern: Not a member |
The ACA: Member |
ACANA: Not a member |
ARGUS Registered brokers commit to best practices and The ACA's code of conduct, while ARGUS Certified brokers are also subject to onsite audit.
Wyvern member brokers commit to provide Wingman PASS trip verification for every trip.
The ACA - The Air Charter Association is a membership organisation.
ACANA, the Air Charter Association of North America, is a membership organisation.
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